Welcome to the Revnu.ai fam!

Last Modified: May 31, 2024

Welcome to the Revnu.ai fam!

We're all about building a thriving community where creators and brands can connect, collaborate, and level up together. To keep things awesome for everyone, we've got some guidelines in place:

Respect is Key!

Treat everyone with kindness, from fellow creators to the Revnu.ai team and the amazing brands you'll collab with. Harassment, hate speech, and bullying are a big no-no. ‍♀️

Keep it Clean & Classy!

Revnu.ai challenges are all about awesome content, so avoid anything explicit, graphic, or offensive. Remember, brands are watching!

Play by the Rules!  ️

We gotta follow the rules of the playground, which means respecting TikTok and Instagram's community guidelines. Don't buy followers, engage in shady activity, or steal anyone's intellectual property.

Be You, Be Original!

We love seeing your unique creativity! Make sure your content is your own and doesn't infringe on anyone else's rights. No stealing, copying, or using content you don't have permission for.

Don't Cheat the System!

Buying followers, likes, or views is a major buzzkill. So is submitting low-quality content, recycling old videos, or creating fake accounts to scam the system. We're all about fair play here.

Stick Around!

Brands and viewers might want to revisit your awesome content, so please keep your videos live for at least 90 days after you get your Revnu.ai reward.

Transparency is Key!

If you're posting sponsored content for a Revnu.ai challenge, let everyone know!  Also, be upfront if you have any connection with a brand outside of Revnu.ai, like getting free products or extra cash. Honesty is the best policy!

Focus on One Brand at a Time!

When creating content for a Revnu.ai challenge, keep it focused on the brand you signed up for. Don't try to squeeze multiple brands into one post. Let each brand shine! ✨

See Something, Say Something!

If you spot anything that breaks the rules, let us know at support@revnu.ai. We take all reports seriously and will take action to keep things positive.

Be Your Authentic Self!  

YOU are what makes Revnu.ai awesome! Keep creating amazing content for your audience, and use Revnu.ai challenges to add some extra flavor to your regular posts. Don't let Revnu.ai take over your entire feed.

Freshness is King!

Reusing the same content for multiple challenges is a no-go. Each challenge deserves a unique and creative video from you!

Remember, these guidelines can evolve!

We're always looking for ways to improve the Revnu.ai experience, so these guidelines might change. By joining the community, you agree to play by the rules, even if they get updated. Abusing the system could result in limitations on your account, or even getting kicked out!

Let's build a fantastic community together!